Beginning of your big day
- As you arrive at the hospital have a big smile on your face.
- Meet the program coordinator and thank her for the opportunity.
- She will help you in getting your daily routine schedule, ID and access to the computers along with EMR (Electronic Medical Records). Do it as soon as possible since you will be lost without it.
- You will be taken to meet the residents and fellows who generally are very sweet and welcoming.
- Introduce yorself to them and keep smiling
- Try to remember all of their names. If you miss out on a few, try sneaking a look at their ID badges.
- Try asking the Residents/ other students who have been in the rotation earlier than you for the routine schedule, the Attending on service and try building a rapport. Also find out what time are you supposed to come in the morning the next day.
2- : Your routine day begins.
- Dress yourself professionally.
- Wear the apron.
- Try to be in the hospital before the residents come and read up on the cases via the EMR.
- You can go with one resident while he is pre-rounding on his/her patients and see how they talk and examine a patient. It is very useful and at the same time you learn new tips and tricks.
- You can also build a good rapport with the nursing staff. Some of my nursing staff were decent enough teach me a few tricks which I do not think even the residents knew.
- Say good morning to everyone you meet. Talk to everyone. You feel happy and so do they.
Regarding asking
for a Letter Of recommendation.
is the most crucial part at the end of your elective. I found the following tips useful
- Prepare yourself well.
- Get an appointment with the Attending whom you have a good rapport and have worked for a substantial amount of time
- Look good and confident
- Meet him/her in the office.
- Have a copy of your resume and personal statement in hand
to talk during the meeting for LOR-
- Don't talk about the LOR at first. (I almost made this mistake)
- Talk once again regarding your background and how you enjoyed the elective.
- Talk about what all things you learnt during this elective.
- Thank him/her for teaching you all these days.
- Talk about the resident, fellows whom you worked with.
- Strongly ask for guidance / suggestions from the attending in all your future plans.
- Lastly ask if he WOULD BE COMFORTABLE writing you a STRONG LETTER OF Recommendation as you are planning on residency in the States. If he says yes without blinking then you can be rest assured you will get a decently written LOR but if there is hesitance, you might as well not ask again.
- Try to meet everyone you worked with.
- Thank them for the opportunities you had and tell them how you enjoyed being there.
- Get their mail or Facebook ID’s to be in touch with them later.
Edited from the original post here
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